Blog Post #4

One of the ELA technology standards (for grades 3-5) is communication and collaboration. It highlights the importance of collaborative assignments with the purpose of feedback and experience for future group work. I think I would heavily focus on this standard if I were teaching grades 3-5 since its sets a strong foundation that the students will need for their future. As long as I and the students had sufficient tools, I think focusing on groupwork through technology is valuable in the classroom.

From the CPALMs resource tools for 9th-12th graders the tool “Improve writing by considering feedback from adults, peers, and/or online editing tools, revising for clarity and cohesiveness” is a skill I would try to instill this skill into my students. Getting feedback from multiple sources is a great way to not only take and compartmentalize advice/critiques, but it will help to make them a more reflective writer that will revise their writing. Being able to take criticism from multiple sources and adapt your writing in light of those criticisms is a is a valuable skill to have as a writer and person. Being comfortable with people criticizing you or your work is something not a lot of people are okay with. So, instilling that humbleness early on will eventually turn them into thoughtful yet confidence writers as they continue through schooling and life.

It’s important to be a proficient internet searcher as an educator so that you can find the proper information and resources you need. When searching for material/videos/PowerPoints/information, it is worthwhile to sift through the information with a fine comb to be make sure that the material is safe for the students as well as informative. I know a lot of teachers use other teacher’s presentations or lesson plans, and it’s a great resource to have, but you still have to make sure that those presentations/lesson plans have appropriate material for your classroom. I imagine myself using the advanced search the most out of all the internet skills. Finding specific information that you need in a short amount of time is important for teacher time management.


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