Blog Post #10

 While working on the latest assignment (PowerPoint interaction), I learned a great deal about how to structure PowerPoints in a new way. I hadn't thought to use PowerPoint in such a way that it would turn into a choose-your-own-adventure game, I didn't even know it'd be possible to do that. Utilizing the buttons that PowerPoint provides is actually game changing and I'll be using them in presentations/PowerPoints to come. I really enjoyed making my own choose-your-own-adventure game, I'm a huge fan of those types of games so it's cool that I was able to make one fairly easily. As for what I can improve for next time, I messed up on one button so it didn't link to the correlating slides. I didn't double check every button before I submitted so doing that next time will help for sure. I also would like to improve how I make my PowerPoints and how to make it more interesting for kids. I'm still really unsure how to do that but I'm sure that will improve with time.

I hope to use Qualtrics data or other such methods in my classroom. I always thought it'd be a good idea to get feedback from students on what they enjoyed or disliked about a certain lesson or topic. I imagine myself as a high school teacher so using such tools like surveys would help me improve my lessons for the future. I also thought it'd be cool if the class could choose what they are interested in learning about. For example, if I were teaching psychology to high school students, I would ask them what specific area of psychology they are interested in learning about (i.e. social psychology, neuropsychology, cognitive psych, etc.). I think anonymously polling student's opinions/desired material could be very beneficial in making class time enjoyable for everyone. Obviously I would still teach the required material, but focusing on topics of interest seems like a good way to get students engaged in the classroom. I also imagine myself using surveys at the beginning of the year to get to know my students a bit better.

I think that computer literacy will be a technology-related skill I aim to develop/work on. I've always been pretty bad with technology and didn't get exposed to it a lot as a kid (outside of school). File management, familiarity with different programs, and research methods are all things I need to improve on. Not falling behind technologically seems to be imperative nowadays and I'll only fall behind more if I don't keep up with the up-and-coming technology. I imagine that I'll become more familiar with programs and computers in general as I use them more and more (as I have up until this point), however, I still intend to practice and learn outside of when I'm forced to (like for school or work). I've already done a lot of research on how to navigate programs for past assignments via YouTube tutorials. I'll probably continue to get my information from there since you can easily follow along with the video and practice what the creator is doing on screen. 


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